Friday, January 31, 2014

10 random questions of today

10. What is the hype about mustaches? Love them but why mustaches?
9. Why do we put up with people like Miley and Justin?
8. If I am trying to get somewhere on time, why is it that the line is always longer?
7. Idk why I love laughing at peoples stupidity, is that bad of me?
6. Why do I always crave skittles?
5. Who does Lil man look like more? Me or Jeff?
4. I crave sweets constantly since I've been pregnant, never really had a sweet tooth before, how do I break that?
3.. Who is Dr Who and why is everyone so OBSESSED?
2. How am I always so broke?
1. Do u think I could get everyone to follow along if I changed my name? :)

Bonus question: How is it I started getting Lil man and I ready at 12 and I was STILL late getting to Bentonville today??
Guess it happens to the best of us. These are about half of the thoughts that run through my mind in about a minute. Lol Can u say ADD?!? Like I said yesterday, I do feel that I'm going crazy being stuck in the house and now its about to happen again! :( I had nothing inspiring to say today so I decided to spill all my Lil randomness for u to read :) enjoy :)


Thursday, January 30, 2014

The little things and some big ones too...

Sitting in bed this morning after a llloooonnnggg night with little man, Jeff wakes up and turns over to Case laying between us staring at him. They start cooing back and forth- these are the little things I cherish and look forward to... These are the moments that make being up all night worth it- 
I used to LOVE and think I needed my sleep, knowing it would be drastically cut when Case made his debut, I wasn't all that excited. But I've noticed , experiencing the precious moments during the late hours or even through the early morning fits, this is where those very precious moments are hidden. Just him n I... Nursing, snuggling, dreaming These are the moments I live for now. The bond. Not a day shopping. Not a night at the bar. Not a camping trip. This. A lil human being that I so perfectly made. 10 fingers. 10 toes. Nothing else matters-

We haven't been out of the house in 2 weeks due to getting over colds and the cold outside.( mainly the wind--- anyone knows me they know how much I loathe the wind) Yes. It has taken its toll on both of us. I spontaneously break down into tears if I feel I've failed him and he has his crazy meltdowns, because he can't latch on right or I'm not fast enough at getting situated. ( this happens quite frequently, him getting so upset he makes it a vicious cycle) Be easy on me Lil man- I'm still new at this too. We duke it out a lot! He has gotten a stubborn will and I'm going to go ahead and blame that on me. Some from Jeff but most from me. O how we might pay for that later on!
Anyway back to my point- I wondered this morning how it would feel to not breastfeed? I mean it took on such a natural roll with us. How would someone that could offer this bond to their child not want to take it? How would it have felt to be denied it? Frankly, I do not want to know. I have been told I do not seem like the breastfeeding type. Honestly I surprised myself. I was hell bent to do it or at least try and that's probably why we have been so successful. But that's what being a mommy is all about, right? Coming into ur own, taking care of something completely Dependant on YOU. These days I surprise myself more than not and I think most people that have been in my life the past 5-6 years have been completely taken aback by my sudden change of-- I should say heart but I'm going to say - Chang of life. Perception, self, visions, worth, gratefulness, positivity, confidence- this is just a short list of what has changed for me in a short year. Case has made me better, I have made me better. My choice to breastfeed is something that has made me see how important I am to someone. Its been so becoming. I cannot wait to see where I am in a year.

--- being mommy has made me a better me----

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

trying this out

where do i begin? i can write about whatever i decide. ive wanted to try this blog thing out for awhile now. i will talk about my expieriences in life, talk about my day to day and see myself change into better versions over time through my writings. this will be used as a journal, if anything i do for myself i will use this to explore my feelings and give me some me time everyday. it is january 29th and im late starting this, but it will b all the same. ( i meant to start jan 1st) i became a mother 6 weeks ago and am loving every minute. although time is of the essence and i now realize what people meant by that all along. my time, dwindled is completely worth it. i have a new love in my life and he is everything i couldve imagined and so much more. watching my husband tonight with our son, is the best most rewarding thing ive ever seen. we have created and i have made a part of both of us that we can enjoy  for our lives. he is my best accomplishment :)

still have a month until i return to work, so i will b plenty ready to journal---

til next time-----
