Friday, February 7, 2014

Food for thought---

I have noticed something and this doesn't go to anyone in particular, but to anyone and everyone.
- have a carefree life. Do not worry about things u can't change. I promise, it's hard at first but after a while it is extremely easy. I hear people all the time, specially since ive had a Lil one, commenting and telling me to watch or worry about certain things. I am not a neglectful parent but I also won't take my child into the Dr for just anything. Besides, he is more likely going to catch something worse going to the doc. As long as he is breathing, sleeping, eating, pooping (and its the right color) and not ridiculously fussy- in my books he is fine. My mother instinct is there for a reason, and until my alarm goes off and says something is wrong, I will watch him-,
One thing I have learned through this mother experience is that people will scare u to death telling u horror stories and thinking things are something they are not. Now I know this seems like a rant, however it isn't, so please don't take it that way---

I was told before I gave birth that people would tell me all these ways to be a parent, but even if I didn't agree---smile, nod, and then do whatever the hell u want when u get back home. That is what I have done and what i intend to do. I appreciate any advice I get but do not like being made to feel bad for not taking the advice. I'll always ask when advice is needed don't doubt that. Besides whose better to ask and use as resources than all these wonderful women who have done this and have done awesome!
Being a parent is such a passionate thing. People have done it since the beginning of time. Learning my own way is one of the very many beauties of it. Let any new moms do that-
Don't spoil their fun. ----I remember people telling me when I'd say things about the way I felt when I was pregnant, if I was tired or hurting - they'd say " o just wait, u haven't felt anything yet!" Like I didn't realize what I was in for. Or "o just wait, u don't know tired yet!" Like I was whining for no reason. These comments were one thing that made me irratable. I had an epidural, chose to not have a c-section, and gave birth after my epidural had worn off and 16 hours of labor. This doesn't make me a badass nor any better than anyone else, but I know pain. Only difference is when I see a expectant mom, I will never make labor seem like the worst thing ever. In my 2month momma journey I have learned nothing is as bad as it seems- yes I'm tired and yes labor hurt, but I'm fine, they are neither as extreme as everyone acted. What makes it better, worth it, is this Lil baby in your arms. So next time u talk to an expectant mother, make sure to be mindful of how u tell them about ur expierences. People had me scared to death of the experience and the recalls on products and the simplest things as putting Case down. Don't cast ur opinions and beliefs on new mommas and ruin it for them.

Respect them enough to let them find their own way, give them advice but let them make their own decisions and mistakes- it has been very liberating to say the least. this journal entry was not intended for anyone in particular like I said before and shouldn't be taken as so or as a negative vibe. I want to write about things I have learned through time and this is one. I want to tell people my views and standpoints in things, not make people upset

      Thank you to many wonderful women who have given me advice, guided me through and helped me be the great mommy I feel that I have become.

A special thanks to my wonderful momma who was a great role model to say the least. You have always let me dance my own dance (even if we didn't get along the entire time) and make my own way. U have only been there to guide me, not change my way of thinking, and uve always put up with my stubbornness. Takes a strong woman to keep me in line :) love you momma.

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